Harkness Foundation for Dance Grant

From Harkness Foundation

The Harkness Foundation for Dance is dedicated to invigorating and supporting the dance art form, with a focus predominantly in New York City. It aims to contribute to the dance field by extending grants to organizations and artists, promoting social and racial justice work within the dance community, and ensuring equitable practices in its grantmaking.

Type of Support


The grant program from the Harkness Foundation for Dance primarily supports the dance community in New York City across four major areas: dance creation, presentation, education, and medicine/other services to the dance field. The foundation offers two categories of grants to support the broad-based dance field: Program Grants and Project Grants. Program Grants provide general operating support for ongoing programs of an organization, potentially earmarked for specific sub-programs. Project Grants offer targeted support for specific projects, including pilot and collaborative projects involving multiple organizations, for one calendar year of activities.


Organization's Location
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