Windward Youth Leadership Grant

    From Harold K. L. Castle Foundation

    The Harold K.L. Castle Foundation focuses on enhancing the life of communities in Hawai'i. While specific mission details are not provided, their support for the Ko‘olau Pilina Fund indicates a commitment to building resilience and supporting community-driven initiatives within the Ko‘olau region of Oʻahu.

    Type of Support


    The Windward Youth Leadership Fund grant program supports youth-led initiatives aimed at improving the community in Windward Oahu. The grant focuses on empowering youth to apply what they've learned in school and life to real-world situations, thereby developing leadership skills and contributing to their community. Projects eligible for funding must benefit a group, organization, or place other than the youth participants themselves, demonstrating ingenuity, alignment with island values, and leveraging young leaders' talents. Funding ranges from $500 to $5,000, dependent on the proposed project's scope, volunteer involvement, and service hours committed. The program encourages youth to take leadership roles in project planning, implementation, and proposal writing, with expectations for innovation and growth in repeated applications.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    500 – 5K


    Visit Apply for more information.