Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust Grant

The mission of the Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust is to benefit charitable organizations with a focus on supporting the elderly and those who are disabled, children who are disabled, orphaned, or disadvantaged, the arts (including performing and nonperforming arts), and education. The trust is committed to making a positive impact in these areas through its financial contributions.

Type of Support


The Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust grant program aims to financially support charitable organizations that work with a variety of vulnerable and underserved groups as well as those that promote the arts and education. With an annual award cycle of approximately 2-3 grants, the trust offers financial aid ranging between $5,000 and $15,000 to eligible entities. Specific causes supported by these grants include services for the elderly, assistance for disabled individuals, support for orphaned or disadvantaged children, and initiatives within both the performing and nonperforming arts sectors, along with educational projects.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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5k – 15k


Review Criteria