Highland Park Community Foundation Grant

    From Highland Park Community Foundation

    The Highland Park Community Foundation (HPCF) was established to create and grow a permanent endowment fund. Its mission is to support and enhance the services of social service, cultural, educational, and environmental agencies in Highland Park and Highwood, and to foster the early development of new and innovative programs.

    Type of Support


    The HPCF Annual Grants aim to address unmet needs within five main categories: education, human services, services for individuals with disabilities, senior services, and the creative and cultural arts. While funding is generally allocated to specific programs and services, exceptions for operational expenses may be made in extraordinary cases. Annual Grant amounts range from $1,000 to $50,000, based on available funds and the specifics of each request. First-time grant recipients typically receive $1,000 to $3,000. The application process requires prior approval for new applicants and those not awarded a grant in the past three years.


    Organization's Location
    esse aute
    Program Location
    adipisicing voluptate laborum
    Organization Type
    Qui incididunt dolore cupidatat ex nostrud
    In ipsum excepteur deserunt cillum deserunt sint adipisicing
    Tempor tempor
    • sint Lorem consequat eiusmod ex sit dolore adipisicing sit ad aliqua
    • sunt nostrud deserunt tempor duis officia exercitation eu laborum ad incididunt quis eu
    • ad commodo non ut consequat culpa tempor quis nostrud cupidatat cupidatat aliquip


    Qui nisi eu nostrud deserunt dolor aliquip minim
    Lorem dolore non nulla id
    Voluptate id non magna reprehenderit eu
    Voluptate ipsum fugiat do aute id qui
    Duis minim reprehenderit proident proident
    Elit officia
    Eiusmod ad veniam in nostrud
    1K – 50K


    Step 1: nisi non voluptate
    Application deadline
    Mar 15, 2025
    Step 2: velit nulla (aliquip laboris)