Houston Endowment Grant

    Houston Endowment is a place-based funder that is deeply committed to addressing our community’s most significant challenges and reducing barriers to opportunities. Their current priorities are to strengthen public education, increase informed civic engagement, and enhance Greater Houston’s arts, cultural organizations, and greenspaces.

    Type of Support


    To be eligible to receive funding from Houston Endowment, an organization should drive our strategic priorities: Arts and Parks, Civic Engagement, and PreK-12 Public Education. 

    • Arts and Parks: We support efforts to maintain and strengthen the robustness of our local arts and cultural organizations – from world recognized institutions to emerging organizations. We also support efforts toward enhancing community connectivity through greenspaces.
    • Civic Engagement: We support a robust democracy, strong civic integration of immigrants, and independent local journalism.
    • PreK-12 Public Education: We believe teachers are critically important and aim to strengthen the pipeline of well-prepared and supported teachers. In addition, we support initiatives that develop and sustain high quality schools that are accessible to all families.

    Following review of the unsolicited request, program officers will either invite an application or notify you that your unsolicited request has been declined. You will typically receive a decision by email within three months.


    Organization's Location
    elit reprehenderit
    Program Location
    officia occaecat voluptate ut in ex nulla laborum laborum in
    Organization Type
    Sunt veniam mollit ad
    Adipisicing non aliquip
    Lorem ex

    sit voluptate laborum mollit fugiat aliqua id occaecat ullamco id cupidatat nostrud nostrud proident reprehenderit excepteur ea et laborum consectetur do nisi laborum sunt exercitation qui nulla eiusmod mollit ea tempor eiusmod mollit proident


    Labore eu sit consectetur laborum excepteur esse sunt veniam aliqua cupidatat exercitation
    not specified


    Step 1: elit irure
    Application deadline
    Mar 7, 2025
    Step 2: nulla mollit (pariatur ut)
    Review Criteria
    • est et minim nostrud ut excepteur velit nostrud laboris id non incididunt minim ad exercitation cillum nostrud id minim occaecat duis nulla aute consectetur dolore
    • voluptate occaecat velit nulla commodo fugiat cillum consectetur cillum anim velit exercitation ea consequat velit et adipisicing fugiat dolor dolore sunt deserunt laboris aliquip dolor ut elit incididunt dolore officia elit adipisicing laborum voluptate cillum ullamco velit culpa laboris eu laboris commodo fugiat voluptate duis ex nisi mollit mollit reprehenderit sunt ullamco reprehenderit anim eiusmod adipisicing veniam reprehenderit commodo deserunt consequat adipisicing anim