HAF: Native Cultures Fund Grant

    From Humboldt Area Foundation

    We have a vision of a Thriving, Just, Healthy,
and Equitable Region. This vision is implemented through four decade-long goals of increasing Racial Equity, Thriving Youth and Families, Healthy Ecosystems and Environments, and a Just Economy.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to support California Indian culture bearers, artists, and the transmission of traditional knowledge and lifeways. It focuses on projects that enable the sharing and preservation of knowledge between generations, encapsulating a wide range of cultural expressions such as art, languages, ceremonies, sacred sites, and traditional practices indigenous to California. The program underscores the importance of cultural proliferation in its most comprehensive form, including but not limited to foodways, cosmologies, sports, architecture, land stewardship, and maritime traditions, all centering on the values and practices of California's Native communities.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
    In nisi
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    1K – 10K


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