Humboldt Soccer Fund

From Humboldt Area Foundation

We have a vision of a Thriving, Just, Healthy,
and Equitable Region. This vision is implemented through four decade-long goals of increasing Racial Equity, Thriving Youth and Families, Healthy Ecosystems and Environments, and a Just Economy.

Type of Support


The Humboldt Soccer Fund offers Soccer Development Grants to support the development of Humboldt County soccer professionals—including coaches, trainers, referees, and researchers. These grants focus on both personal development in the field of soccer and the physical development of soccer fields, as well as providing soccer participation scholarships.


Organization's Location
officia ut
Program Location
nostrud ex est
Organization Type
Elit esse non
Lorem proident aliqua
Consectetur tempor
Ea ullamco
Consectetur incididunt nisi
Cillum nisi anim sint culpa


Voluptate est occaecat qui cillum sit exercitation commodo laborum
Reprehenderit excepteur pariatur magna culpa
Proident veniam
Cupidatat minim mollit cillum do irure in et anim cupidatat
Incididunt ex
Enim ipsum minim
up to 10k


Visit Apply for more information.