North Idaho Grants- Bonner County Human Rights Task Force Fund

From Idaho Community Foundation (ICF)

Since 1988, the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has worked across Idaho with the goal of connecting generous individuals with trusted, deserving organizations. ICF aims to offer a variety of fully tax-deductible options to support causes, communities, or organizations, promising a brighter future for Idahoans through investments that last forever. With local knowledge on critical issues faced by nonprofits, ICF seeks to connect them with donors and partners, providing financial support through a streamlined grant process.

Type of Support


The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force Fund supports grants for organizations or entities committed to the ideal of equality under the law regardless of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Grants focus on projects and programs that emphasize community education and celebrate racial, social, and cultural diversity within Bonner County. Projects should affirm human dignity, promote education on bias and prejudice, reach broad community segments, focus on reducing discrimination, and celebrate diversity's value to the community's quality of life. Grants up to $8,000 will be considered, with potential exceptions for extreme or emergency circumstances.


Organization's Location
Program Location
ID (Bonner County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit status under IRS code 170
Public educational institutions
Government entities including local governments and libraries
  • Located in Bonner County


Projects benefiting a private individual
Projects covering routine operating expenses or benefits
Fund-raising projects
Political activities or projects designed to influence legislation
Religious organizations aimed solely at furthering their religion
Grants to individuals
up to 8k


Review Criteria

Projects will receive preference if they demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Partnership with other local organizations
  • Offering of matched funds or in-kind contributions
  • Ensuring the project's long-term viability
  • Addressing a critical or persistent need within the community
  • Accompanied by letters that show support from the community