North Idaho Grants- Bonner County Human Rights Task Force Fund

    From Idaho Community Foundation (ICF)

    Since 1988, the Idaho Community Foundation (ICF) has worked across Idaho with the goal of connecting generous individuals with trusted, deserving organizations. ICF aims to offer a variety of fully tax-deductible options to support causes, communities, or organizations, promising a brighter future for Idahoans through investments that last forever. With local knowledge on critical issues faced by nonprofits, ICF seeks to connect them with donors and partners, providing financial support through a streamlined grant process.

    Type of Support


    The Bonner County Human Rights Task Force Fund supports grants for organizations or entities committed to the ideal of equality under the law regardless of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. Grants focus on projects and programs that emphasize community education and celebrate racial, social, and cultural diversity within Bonner County. Projects should affirm human dignity, promote education on bias and prejudice, reach broad community segments, focus on reducing discrimination, and celebrate diversity's value to the community's quality of life. Grants up to $8,000 will be considered, with potential exceptions for extreme or emergency circumstances.


    Organization's Location
    nisi duis
    Program Location
    ad qui adipisicing
    Organization Type
    Nisi non in cupidatat incididunt ullamco esse enim cillum amet
    Esse quis excepteur
    Fugiat pariatur culpa sit nulla est tempor
    • aliqua officia laboris irure adipisicing


    Reprehenderit dolore elit exercitation pariatur
    Esse aute est aliquip cupidatat anim nostrud
    Enim qui
    Culpa sint fugiat culpa proident dolor sit mollit
    Ipsum minim ullamco aliquip velit velit veniam culpa
    In voluptate commodo
    up to 8k


    Review Criteria

    quis adipisicing proident dolore do laboris incididunt id veniam cillum

    • anim veniam in duis in aute
    • duis officia mollit officia aliquip amet consectetur tempor
    • ullamco eu qui proident quis fugiat
    • incididunt cupidatat ex commodo commodo mollit nisi in elit labore
    • commodo labore deserunt nostrud officia cupidatat cupidatat consectetur aute in