Impact Fund Grants

From The Impact Fund

The Impact Fund is dedicated to advancing justice across civil and human rights, environmental justice, and poverty law. Since 1992, it supports legal services, nonprofits, attorneys, and law firms through recoverable grants for impact litigation, aiming to improve rights, reform laws, and address systemic injustices.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting litigation in three main areas: social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice. It seeks to fund cases that promote civil and human rights, challenge injustices in environmental practices affecting communities, and fight for economic fairness, including workers' rights and consumer protection. Specific causes include racial discrimination, accessibility for people with disabilities, police brutality, voter suppression, environmental contamination, inadequate healthcare, and discrimination against vulnerable populations. Through financial and legal support, the Impact Fund aims to make significant changes in law and policy to protect and enhance the rights of marginalized communities.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Small law firms
Non-profit organizations involved in impact litigation
  • Focus on civil rights, human rights, anti-poverty, and environmental justice cases
  • Supports class actions, multi-plaintiff, and environmental justice cases
  • Grants aim for significant effects on larger systems or significant law reform
  • Grants cover out-of-pocket litigation expenses such as expert fees and discovery costs
  • Requires repayment of the grant plus 7% interest if attorney’s fees or costs are recovered


Attorneys seeking fees, staff, or overhead costs
Non-lawyers representing themselves (pro se litigants)
10k – 50k


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadlines
Oct 10
Jan 10, 2025
Apr 9, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)
Review Criteria

We give priority to funding applications for cases that are either already filed or in the process of being filed. Additionally, applicants whose cases have successfully overcome a motion to dismiss will be given special consideration. Our focus is on supporting applicants who require financial assistance to advance their legal proceedings.