Letha's Youth Outdoors Fund Grant

    From Indiana Native Plant Society

    The mission of the Indiana Native Plant Society is to promote the appreciation, preservation, scientific study, and use of plants native to Indiana. They aim to teach people about the beauty, diversity, and importance of these plants to our environment.

    Type of Support


    The grant program supports projects that align with the mission of promoting understanding and preservation of native plant species in Indiana. Specific initiatives such as Letha’s Youth Outdoors Fund focus on offering educational outdoor experiences to underserved youth groups, emphasizing the importance of native plants and their ecosystems. The fund covers costs related to transportation, educational materials, and fees for environmental educators, aiming to provide meaningful outdoor learning experiences. Priority is given to programs that highlight the role of native plants and the impact of invasive species.


    Organization's Location
    ut commodo
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Consequat tempor
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    Minim Lorem veniam mollit cupidatat duis tempor voluptate
    50 – 700


    Visit Apply for more information.