Prevention Pipeline RFP

From Institute for the Study of Aging Inc. (Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation)

The mission details of the funder are not explicitly provided in the given description.

Type of Support


The ADDF grant program aims to catalyze the discovery and development of drugs, biological therapies, and diagnostics for Alzheimer’s disease and associated dementias. Specific areas of interest include translational research for drug development, IND-enabling studies, early-stage clinical trials for new and repurposed drugs, and the development of various biomarkers. Additionally, the program supports epidemiological studies and comparative effectiveness research to understand how different drug choices could influence the risk of dementia. The Prevention Pipeline RFP focuses on studying and reducing cognitive decline and dementia risk through approaches like clinical trials and epidemiology, targeting conditions linked to increased dementia risk. The grant also emphasizes novel drug mechanisms related to aging biology and other innovative therapeutic areas, including epigenetics, inflammation, and neuroprotection, among others.


Organization's Location
est irure
Program Location
Organization Type
Elit consectetur laboris
Eiusmod laborum
  • commodo nulla ipsum
  • exercitation ullamco tempor consectetur consectetur ex duis fugiat id voluptate culpa id enim irure anim ex occaecat esse magna
  • in est sit veniam aliqua esse dolore in


Consequat aliqua incididunt cillum id et commodo nostrud pariatur id consectetur sint
50k – 3M


Step 1: exercitation sunt velit
Application deadline
Nov 14, 2024
Step 2: in dolore (aliqua sint)