Emergency Relief Grant Program

From International Alliance for the Protection of Heritage in Conflict Areas (ALIPH)

ALIPH is a non-profit foundation based in Geneva, recognized as an international organization, aiming to protect cultural heritage in conflict areas. It unites public and private funders to back prevention, protection, and rehabilitation of heritage at risk due to conflict, emphasizing projects that promote peace, reconciliation, international solidarity, social cohesion, cultural diversity, education, local development, and gender equality.

Type of Support


The ALIPH grant program targets the protection and rehabilitation of cultural heritage in conflict zones globally. It supports a broad interpretation of cultural heritage, including both tangible and intangible aspects, and focuses on projects that can demonstrate their significance to local populations. Special attention is given to interventions in areas experiencing various forms of conflict, from interstate conflicts to terrorism and violent unrest, where cultural heritage is at risk. The Emergency Relief Grants are designed for urgent actions to protect heritage under immediate threat, with funding up to USD 75,000 for projects demonstrating the need for rapid response to prevent irrevocable damage. Critical criteria for these grants include demonstrating urgency, capacity to implement swiftly, and feasibility of the proposed protective measures.


Organization's Location
incididunt fugiat
Program Location
Organization Type
Occaecat ipsum
Sint nulla
Ad labore
Voluptate aute fugiat proident dolor ullamco non nisi
  • reprehenderit sint est elit dolore nostrud laborum excepteur est aliquip est
  • dolor consectetur non non excepteur magna duis dolor deserunt aliqua incididunt ipsum consequat occaecat dolor ullamco consectetur mollit fugiat exercitation commodo dolor consectetur occaecat
  • dolor elit enim aute amet aliquip occaecat
up to 75k


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