ISF: Research Grant Programme

From Internet Society Foundation

The mission of the Internet Society’s purposes is to promote educational applications of the Internet, to further the Internet’s development, evolution, or use for the benefit of people, and to engage and educate communities in the Internet’s use and application.

Type of Support


The Foundation's Research Program is designed to:

  • Promote innovative methodologies that address Internet-related challenges.
  • Support a diverse, collaborative community of researchers and institutions.
  • Provide actionable, open-access research beneficial for policy and industry decisions.

It seeks research that is practical and freely available, focusing on ethical projects involving human or animal subjects. Research areas include:

  • Greening the Internet: Understanding and mitigating the environmental impact of the Internet.
  • The Internet Economy: Analyzing the transformation and future of economic activities influenced by the Internet.
  • A Trustworthy Internet: Ensuring the Internet meets user expectations for reliability, security, and resilience.
  • Decolonizing the Internet: Exploring inclusive practices that make the Internet a tool for justice and equity.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Independent researchers with postgraduate degrees (PhD, Masters) and publications
Public research institutions
  • Must be a legally registered 501(c)(3) or equivalent, subject to Foundation's verification
  • Alignment with the purposes and activities of the Internet Society (ISOC)
  • Must have an official bank account in the name of the legally registered entity


Private institutions
Projects unrelated to the Internet and the mission of the Internet Society
Projects that provide personal monetary gain
Political campaigns, voter registration, lobbying efforts, or other attempts to influence legislation
Endowments, buildings, or capital campaigns
Projects that exclusively serve religious purposes
Activities completed or costs incurred prior to the award, without prior approval
Tuition assistance
Transactions or grants prohibited by the Internet Society Foundation’s Bylaws, Conflict of Interest Policy, or other governing document.
up to 500k


Review Criteria

Applications from groups underrepresented in research are strongly welcomed.