Founded in 1997, the Iowa Barn Foundation is an all-volunteer, all-state organization dedicated to preserving Iowa's rural agricultural buildings. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, its mission focuses on educating the public about the significance and importance of Iowa’s barns through publications and barn tours. It raises funds for barn rehabilitation or restoration matching grants for property owners and recognizes outstanding restoration efforts with Awards of Distinction. Additionally, it ensures the perpetuation of agriculturally and economically self-sustaining farms and farmland according to the owner’s wishes.
The Iowa Barn Foundation Restoration Grant program aims to preserve Iowa barns that might otherwise be lost. It has awarded more than 119 matching grants, totaling over one million dollars. These grants assist property owners in carrying out crucial repairs such as new roofing, siding, and foundation repairs to save good barns in need of upkeep. This initiative embodies the foundation’s commitment to safeguarding Iowa’s agricultural heritage by maintaining its iconic barns.
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