Mabee Foundation Grants

From J E And L E Mabee Foundation Inc

The Mabee Foundation aims to support the development and enhancement of the community through funding projects in areas such as education, social and humanitarian services, medical and health, and cultural and religious initiatives.

Type of Support


The Mabee Foundation grants are designed as challenge grants to encourage organizations to raise the necessary funds to complete their projects, focusing on construction, renovation, and the purchase of major medical equipment. These grants cover up to 20% of a project's total costs, with a maximum amount of $2,000,000. To retain the grant, recipients must meet the funding challenge within a year of the award and commence construction within two years. The grant is paid once the challenge is satisfied and construction has begun.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Non-profit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
  • Located in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas, Missouri, or Kansas
  • 40% of the total project cost must be raised from other public donors before submission
  • Names of donors must be included in the grant application


Private foundations as defined in IRC section 509(a)
Government-owned or operated institutions
Debt retirement
Projects already under construction or where a contract has been signed with a contractor
Operations or program support
Grants to an individual
Capital projects for educational institutions below the college level, unless serving a special or vulnerable population
Renovation of leased property, unless the lease is a long-term lease tantamount to ownership
Grants exclusively for furnishings, equipment (except major medical equipment), vehicles, museum exhibits, etc.
The purchase of land or buildings
Grants to a local, individual church body, congregation or parish
Borrowed funds, internal or reserve funds, estate bequests not designated for capital projects, any donation not designated for the particular project in question, and government grants or funds in the 40% prior funding requirement calculation.
up to 2M


Visit Apply for more information.