Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation Grants

From The Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation for Suicide Prevention in Orange County

The Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation for Suicide Prevention in Orange County aims to reduce suicide and its tragic aftermath in the Orange County area. They focus on partnering with existing activities and programs aligned with their mission, supporting and shaping initiatives that prevent suicide, and fostering a sense of community stewardship crucial for the future of suicide prevention.

Type of Support


The grant program provided by The Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation for Suicide Prevention in Orange County is designed to support existing and developing programs and activities that align with the foundation's goals, objectives, and guiding principles, with a specific focus on reducing suicide and its impact in Orange County. They emphasize the value of partnerships as a strategy to fulfill their mission and enhance the effectiveness of suicide prevention efforts within the community.


Organization's Location
Lorem irure
Program Location
labore nostrud amet
Organization Type
Ut officia id consequat in laboris laborum id amet mollit anim excepteur id exercitation laboris id cupidatat
Id non dolor
Nostrud labore veniam eu enim
  • aute labore aliquip dolore nisi Lorem Lorem ad nisi cillum pariatur enim cupidatat sit amet ipsum ea est
  • cupidatat deserunt consequat culpa elit aliqua amet fugiat fugiat duis amet
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  • qui irure fugiat ut consectetur officia magna ipsum velit fugiat ad ea aute non irure
1k – 15k


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