JAMS Mini-Grant 2024

This JAMS Foundation-ACR Initiative aims to provide financial support for conflict resolution education and training (CRE) for Pre-K through 12th grade students and youth. It serves both youth in Pre-K through 12th grade and adults who work with these populations, facilitating the transfer of CRE skills from adults to youth.

Type of Support


The Community Mediation Mini-Grant Program, a collaboration between the JAMS Foundation and the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM), aims to support local communities in developing comprehensive approaches to preventing and responding to hate-driven violence. It focuses on strengthening violence prevention ecosystems and linking efforts to address hate crimes and violence nationally. The program encourages creativity and variation in service strategies through the "Listening for Action" Leadership Process and seeks systemic changes that can be replicated by community mediation centers for sustainability and growth in the field. Mini-grants of $15,000 per year will be awarded to up to five organizations to support their work in reducing violence and hate, with funding contingent on evidence of progress. The Learning Community facilitates collaboration and innovation among grant recipients, meeting regularly to strengthen the projects and share materials developed with a wider network. Priority is given to projects that build on existing relationships, support positive systemic change, and engage in public awareness about community mediation.


Organization's Location
cupidatat non
Program Location
Organization Type
Commodo cupidatat sit Lorem enim tempor reprehenderit
Nostrud deserunt
Amet occaecat
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Step 1: pariatur id labore
Application deadline
Jan 19, 2025
Step 2: esse exercitation (deserunt est)
Review Criteria

excepteur do anim pariatur aute qui eiusmod ex ipsum exercitation ea ex ex deserunt voluptate proident duis excepteur cupidatat