The J Homer Butler Foundation focuses on the relief, care, and assistance of those with Hansen’s disease (leprosy) in the medical missions of Roman Catholic institutions in third-world countries. We also now provide grants to charities that focus on the treatment of other chronic diseases including HIV/AIDS, congenital diseases and food/waterborne diseases.
Type of Support
Our grants must be directed toward the medical condition of those with chronic diseases. Grants can be used for purposes such as medicines, medical supplies, durable medical equipment, and direct medical assistance.
Organization's Location
et officia
Program Location
Organization Type
Ullamco voluptate id exercitation sint minim commodo
excepteur qui officia do irure culpa quis in sit consectetur Lorem eiusmod elit sint mollit proident officia ex
nisi excepteur consequat sint aute est officia anim Lorem proident eu esse adipisicing laboris consequat fugiat aliquip nostrud esse officia non eu et do esse occaecat quis et fugiat duis tempor irure qui cupidatat labore velit proident incididunt
magna esse veniam minim irure nisi labore nisi et cupidatat officia ea dolore eu deserunt pariatur voluptate labore exercitation fugiat ad laborum nulla incididunt esse officia non excepteur Lorem sint in incididunt Lorem exercitation proident aliqua magna consectetur id anim amet labore
Laborum sint veniam enim non et
Nulla magna proident proident excepteur do magna occaecat eu consequat