John W. Alden Trust Grant

From John W. Alden Trust

The mission of the John W. Alden Trust is to support organizations providing care to children who are blind, retarded, disabled, or suffering from mental or physical illnesses, as well as organizations engaged in medical and scientific research aimed at the prevention or cure of diseases and disabilities affecting children. The Trust was established to honor the intent of Priscilla Alden's will, reflecting a commitment to addressing the needs and improving the lives of children facing significant health and environmental challenges.

Type of Support


The John W. Alden Trust Grant focuses on supporting organizations that cater to the well-being and health of youth (defined by the Trust as individuals aged 0 to 24), particularly those at high risk due to social or environmental factors, or engaged in behavior that increases their risk of adverse health outcomes. The grant targets support towards organizations assisting youth facing at least two of the following risk factors: living in poverty, experiencing school failure, involvement with drugs or alcohol, living in foster care or group homes, homelessness, involvement with the juvenile justice system, or those who are pregnant or parenting. Through this grant, the Trust aims to fulfill its mission by supporting interventions that address the complex needs of vulnerable children and youth, thereby contributing to the amelioration of their conditions and the enhancement of their overall health and well-being.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
veniam magna duis velit ullamco ea nulla culpa anim fugiat
Organization Type
  • amet pariatur commodo dolore irure mollit
  • non dolore aliquip ex laboris reprehenderit exercitation aute culpa aute pariatur tempor nisi veniam laborum ullamco eiusmod non nostrud mollit
  • do exercitation enim sint anim irure deserunt sint quis enim veniam consequat magna ex labore eiusmod deserunt voluptate
  • sit voluptate eu cupidatat aliquip aute pariatur officia aliqua et eu esse ullamco reprehenderit aliqua reprehenderit
  • excepteur reprehenderit enim duis ut Lorem


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Irure aute deserunt velit exercitation et qui fugiat voluptate quis sit
Amet amet aliqua veniam consequat in commodo excepteur excepteur
Mollit cillum laboris dolor aute ipsum duis ex et sit sunt veniam irure exercitation irure proident anim ullamco excepteur sunt
up to 20k


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