Karpus Family Foundation Grant

The Karpus Family Foundation is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, with an emphasis on helping people and animals in need.

Type of Support


Funding Purposes:

  • Training and assisting disabled individuals and disabled armed forces veterans to become productive workers and lead productive lives.
  • Preventing the abuse to women and children and providing medical and health services to such abused women and children who cannot otherwise afford it.
  • Fostering the role of education in preventing community violence and reducing the threat of criminals to society.
  • Preventing cruelty to animals and caring of displaced animals; provided, however, that no support shall be provided to medical charities that cause suffering to animals.
  • Providing anti-abortion incentives and right to life education to the general Christian/Judeo public.
  • Supporting medical institutions that provide leading edge treatment and research.
  • Providing educational assistance in the form of grants and scholarships to individuals of a charitable class, provided, however that grants or scholarships shall not be awarded either to individuals who are employed by the Foundation or to the children of individuals who are employed by the Foundation.
  • Supporting organizations that promote: sound, conservative economic principals and education, free markets, capitalism, and the United States Constitution.


Organization's Location
Program Location
USA (with preference for FL (Greater Rochester area), OH (Cleveland), NY)
Organization Type

Key Factors for Funding:

  • Decreased Reliance on Governmental Support:
    • The foundation focuses on impactful community projects filling gaps not covered by government funding. 
    • Preference is given to organizations with less reliance on governmental support. 
  • Responsible Fiscal Management:
    • The Karpus Family Foundation values responsible fiscal management, a principle reflected in its own establishment through Karpus Investment Management. 
    • The foundation is looking for those organizations that demonstrate efficient use of funds and responsible fiscal management. 
    • Primary decisions are based on an organization’s budget efficiency. 
    • Preference will be given to organizations that spend the majority of their budget on their mission rather than on administrative and fundraising expenses.
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Learn more

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