Keep Louisiana Beautiful: Healthy Communities Grant

From Keep Louisiana Beautiful Inc

Keep Louisiana Beautiful focuses on fostering a cleaner, greener Louisiana. It supports initiatives aimed at litter abatement, waste reduction, recycling, and environmental education across local communities. The organization strives for a collective behavioral shift towards environmental stewardship.

Type of Support


The KLB Healthy Communities Grant aims to fund projects that bring about significant behavioral changes for enhancing the visual appeal of Louisiana's communities. These projects should concentrate on litter elimination, prevention, waste management best practices, recycling, reusing, and reducing initiatives, in addition to litter law enforcement. Key to the grants' goals is the promotion of diverse community support, tangible benefits for communities, encouraging volunteerism, and fostering collaboration among various stakeholders.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Louisiana parishes
State agencies
Governmental entities
Political subdivisions
Non-profit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
KLB Community Affiliates who are current Circle of Excellence recipients
KLB University Affiliates
KLB Community and University Affiliates in formation
  • Non-profit organization applicants must submit IRS Determination Letter
  • All applicants must submit Form W-9
  • All applicants must be in good standing with the Secretary of State
  • All applicants must be a State Certified Vendor. Register:
  • Eligible for Funding: Litter removal, Litter prevention, Waste management and reduction, Recycling, reusing, reducing, and repurposing, Litter and illegal dumping enforcement, Education on litter prevention, recycling, and environmental stewardship


KLB board members and staff
Projects involving gardening or tree planting
Purchase of computers, electronics, and printers
Covering travel expenses, rental of motorized vehicles, and fuel
Costs related to food and beverage
Registration fees
Cash awards, insurance, salaries, and employee compensation
Expenses for fundraising activities
Projects on private property
Use of excessive disposable materials or activities producing excess waste/litter
2.5k – 10k


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