Knox County Foundation Small Grant

From Knox County Foundation

To improve the quality of life in Knox County through charitable giving, providing a vehicle for donors to support community activities, assessing and responding to emerging community needs in education, youth services, recreation, arts and culture, social services, civic, and community development, and developing a permanent endowment for the community’s vitality.

Type of Support



Organization's Location
Program Location
OH (Knox County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Public charities
Public schools
Governmental entities
Knox County colleges and universities


Grants to individuals or projects benefiting non-qualifying entities' facilities or equipment
Routine operating or payroll expenses
Projects/Programs restricted to or promoting specific religious doctrines
Computer purchases not exclusively for the project/program
Paying off existing debts or liabilities
Travel-focused proposals
Completed projects before allocation decisions
Organizations not benefiting Knox County residents
Political campaigns
Capital improvements to privately-held or religious properties.
up to 10k


Review Criteria

The Foundation favors collaborative funding efforts, preferring to contribute as one of multiple financial supporters rather than acting as the exclusive source of funding for projects.