Anna Lalor Burdick Grant Program

The Lalor Foundation aims to provide assistance and encouragement to capable investigators initiating teaching and research careers in universities and colleges, specifically in the field of mammalian reproductive biology as related to the regulation of fertility. Incorporated in 1935 under bequests from the Lalor family, the Foundation has supported over 1,000 appointees with nearly $20 million in research grants and awards, focusing on fostering new researchers to become independently funded.

Type of Support


The grant program supports sexual and reproductive health education targeted at women, particularly those in challenging circumstances. It seeks to fund programs that offer a comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education, encompass innovative delivery methods, set clear objectives and outcomes, possess potential for replication, and can sustain success economically. The ALB Program is interested in new or innovative projects or in enhancing proven programs, especially those from smaller or grassroots organizations capable of exceptional service. Grants typically range from $10,000 to $35,000 for a period of one year, with possibilities for renewal based on performance.


Organization's Location
laborum in
Program Location
Organization Type
Irure velit consectetur exercitation magna est
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  • Lorem amet sit labore minim eu aliquip nisi


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10k – 35k


Step 1: in fugiat
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: sint culpa (eiusmod tempor)