The Laura Jane Musser Fund aims to foster collaborative and participatory efforts among citizens in rural areas, emphasizing strengthening communities across various civic areas such as economic development, arts, public space enhancement, and education, to bring about positive societal change.
The grant program supports broad-based community initiatives in rural regions that focus on a wide range of areas including economic development, business preservation, arts and humanities, public space improvements, and education. Priorities include projects that engage a wide range of community members and institutions, encourage diverse community participation, have measurable outcomes within 12-18 months, involve community members actively in all project phases, and aim for positive community change. Projects must show community and institutional support, matching local financial or in-kind contributions, significant volunteer involvement, and feasible completion plans within 18 months. Funding is available for planning (up to $5,000) and implementation (up to $25,000) phases. Planning grants do not guarantee further funding but recipients may apply for implementation support post-planning. Implementation funds are aimed at tangible community-based projects not exceeding 18 months. The program excludes capital campaigns and supports new projects or those within their first three years, covering planning and/or implementation stages.