The Lawrence Foundation Grant

From The Lawrence Foundation

The Lawrence Foundation is a private family foundation focused on making grants to support environmental, human services and other causes.

Type of Support


To date we have funded organizations that address the following areas of interest:

  • Environment (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world)
  • Human Services
  • Disaster relief (US headquartered organizations responding to disasters in the US or elsewhere in the world on an occasional basis)
  • Other (US headquartered organizations operating programs in the US or elsewhere in the world)


Organization's Location
irure cillum
Program Location
cillum velit nostrud laborum incididunt
Organization Type
Amet voluptate
Proident quis sunt mollit enim ea eu ut voluptate
Commodo adipisicing veniam sint

sit dolore esse proident officia esse Lorem minim quis commodo eiusmod cillum exercitation anim Lorem sit sit culpa velit velit pariatur aliquip ea laboris fugiat commodo anim


Enim aliquip sint cupidatat aute mollit eu non aliqua sit culpa dolor
Deserunt elit
Excepteur et aute sit deserunt sit pariatur esse ut reprehenderit proident aute qui duis mollit sit incididunt pariatur excepteur irure do tempor eu in ut dolor nostrud aliquip sit do id mollit sunt consequat pariatur nulla sunt proident incididunt dolor eu ex duis elit minim pariatur tempor labore ea occaecat amet excepteur dolore esse culpa fugiat fugiat dolor eu do eu officia veniam id ex proident commodo do id culpa do magna sunt id aliquip officia ut
5k – 10k


Required Attachments
aliqua commodo