The Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation, established in 1973, focuses on honoring the legacy of its founder through three main areas: supporting educational scholarships for Balfour Company employees and their descendants, aiding organizations in Attleboro, Massachusetts, especially those offering educational, human services, and healthcare programming to underserved populations, and supporting educational institutions in New England that aid under-represented groups.
The Balfour Foundation grants primarily aim to assist educational organizations that help underserved or under-represented populations prepare for, access, and succeed in higher education. This includes support for programs that enhance college readiness, access, and completion within the New England area, particularly programs that lead to post-secondary credential attainment for their participants. While the Foundation may fund scholarships, these are generally considered as part of a broader suite of support services. This effort underscores Mr. Balfour's dedication to aiding students in successfully completing college studies.
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