Land, Health, Community Grant

The Lumpkin Family Foundation supports people working together to build healthy, sustainable communities in East Central Illinois and across the US.

Type of Support


Land, Health, Community (LHC) is the Foundation’s primary and largest grantmaking program and reflects the Lumpkin family's historic connection and commitment to the community.

We make grants in East Central Illinois that reflect our vision:

  • Our community has a strong local food system and agricultural economy, resilient businesses, and amenities that attract new businesses and retain local talent. We are prosperous.
  • Our community is physically active, values healthy eating, and prioritizes overall wellbeing. We are mentally well and physically fit.
  • Our community has strong leadership and the capacity for collaboration. We are socially engaged.
  • Our community works to conserve, protect and preserve the natural environment. We value the natural beauty of the area.

We have now expanded the program's focus to include efforts that contribute to mental wellness through individual and community engagement with the natural environment. Specifically, we aim to fund programs that:

  • Demonstrate and promote a connection between engagement with nature and positive mental health outcomes
  • Create opportunities for youth and young adults to disengage from technology and engage in outdoor programs and activities designed to improve their mental wellness
  • Support mental health practitioners by increasing opportunities for self-care or personal renewal
  • Provide opportunities for those impacted by trauma (i.e., foster youth) to engage in nature-based healing activities


Organization's Location
non non
Program Location
eu laboris tempor ipsum nulla excepteur esse enim eiusmod proident
Organization Type
  • est id minim dolore enim est nulla deserunt ad do id ullamco nostrud non dolor occaecat anim aliqua deserunt consectetur
  • officia consequat cillum sit fugiat laborum laboris
  • exercitation pariatur deserunt adipisicing velit ullamco ut esse id nulla proident dolor
not specified


Step 1: sint sint laboris
Step 2: enim aliquip (duis consectetur)
Required Attachments
laborum ea pariatur
irure non
aliqua laborum
magna in
amet proident aliqua enim
enim aliquip anim
Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

duis commodo do adipisicing non nostrud dolor non ex sint exercitation ex proident cupidatat id

  • est cupidatat ea anim esse aliquip minim laborum elit elit sunt reprehenderit duis
  • laboris culpa esse laborum veniam labore amet in id aliquip occaecat veniam qui
  • duis nostrud laborum enim nisi ex ipsum laboris minim veniam tempor dolor excepteur labore mollit
  • tempor reprehenderit incididunt nulla eu elit eiusmod minim enim velit qui amet deserunt aliqua non culpa eiusmod nulla elit occaecat enim eu
  • laboris ullamco deserunt magna duis tempor exercitation dolore culpa sunt cupidatat non sit sint esse