LWML Mission Grant

    From Lutheran Women's Missionary League

    The mission of the funder, while not explicitly stated in the provided text, can be inferred to focus on supporting ministries that share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in alignment with the vision and priorities of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). They likely aim to fund projects that are mission-focused, accountable to a recognized governing unit within the LCMS framework, financially transparent, viable for implementation within a set timeframe, sustainable beyond the funding period, and reflective of the LCMS's mission and values.

    Type of Support


    The grant program is designed to support mission-focused projects that intend to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Eligible projects must have a clear governance structure, typically within the LCMS church, an LCMS district, a Recognized Service Organization (RSO), or an LCMS partner church. Applicants are required to present a financial statement or budget and demonstrate that the project can be launched within a specified timeframe after funding is received. The initiative must be ongoing, with plans to continue after grant funds are exhausted, and should align with the LCMS's vision and mission priorities. Projects are evaluated by the Mission Grants Selection Committee based on these criteria.


    Organization's Location
    nulla velit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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