Belvedere Animal Welfare Fund Grant

From Maine Community Foundation

The Maine Community Foundation works to improve the quality of life for all Maine people. It aims to serve all of Maine, demonstrate respect for people and places, achieve quality and integrity in all actions, and remain nonpartisan. It is a statewide nonprofit organization that helps people invest charitable resources in the future of Maine, ensuring their giving benefits communities statewide.

Type of Support


The Belvedere Animal Welfare Fund focuses on advancing animal welfare in Maine specifically. It offers one-year project grants to organizations not previously granted general support in 2022, targeting several areas: programs aiding low-income individuals to keep their pets during hard times, population control for cats and dogs, education on pet care and humane treatment, coordination among shelters, and interventions with human services for animals in crisis. Additionally, it provides three-year general support grants to animal shelters that assist in keeping pets with low-income owners, support population control, and educate on animal care and humane treatment.


Organization's Location
laborum magna
Program Location
Organization Type
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