MEHAF: Meeting Support Program

    The Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) works to promote access to quality health care and improve the health of everyone in Maine. Collaborating with a broad network including nonprofits, advocacy organizations, and health care entities, MeHAF aims to create equal opportunities for health and healthcare access across the state.

    Type of Support


    The Meeting Support Program by MeHAF provides grants for meetings that align with MeHAF’s mission and are relevant to groups facing disproportionate barriers to accessing health services. The program specifically supports meetings that address health and healthcare barriers for Maine’s most vulnerable populations, fostering community support and collaboration. Grants of up to $1,000 are offered for community or regional meetings, and up to $2,000 for statewide meetings. Eligible uses of the grant include funding for facilitators or presenters, guest speakers and their travel expenses, and stipends plus travel costs for community members attending the meetings.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    up to 2k


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