ME Humanities: Mini Grants

From Maine Humanities Council

The Maine Humanities Council focuses on distributing funding to nonprofit organizations for programs and projects that highlight the humanities, with a special emphasis on ensuring these opportunities reach communities traditionally under-resourced in these areas. Their mission underlines the importance of broad public outreach and inclusive practices in humanities programming.

Type of Support


The Maine Humanities Council Mini Grants program is designed to support nonprofit organizations in Maine that aim to engage the public in humanities projects. The grants prioritize programs with strong Maine-based content, involving individuals with expertise in the humanities, and projects that have a significant public component. Additionally, the program seeks to fund projects that:

  • Are based in, or serve, rural populations
  • Include people from historically underrepresented groups in decision-making capacities
  • Target services at people from traditionally underrepresented groups

The grant program emphasizes broad public outreach, involvement of the community in project development, creative public engagement strategies, and fostering a deeper understanding of the connections between democracy, the humanities, journalism, and an informed public. Grants of up to $2,000 are available, with a requirement for funding match or cost-share from the applying organizations.


Organization's Location
et ex
Program Location
Organization Type
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Review Criteria

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