Majestic Realty Foundation Grants

From Majestic Realty Co

The Majestic Realty Foundation supports local communities through its commitment in five key areas: Youth, Education, Family, Health, and Violence Prevention. As industry leaders, they aim to enhance community quality of life, striving to create a legacy and model for a sustainable foundation that leverages their capabilities.

Type of Support


The Majestic Realty Foundation emphasizes active philanthropy, not just financial contributions but also seeking strategic nonprofit partnerships in the community. They focus on youth leadership and development, illustrated by their flagship Los Angeles Youth Leadership Council program, which empowers high school students through leadership training activities. The Foundation also supports national organizations and connects excess inventory from clients to organizations in need. Through initiatives like the "Get on Board" campaign, Majestic employees volunteer their time and serve on nonprofit boards, demonstrating a company-wide commitment to community service. The types of grants offered include restricted, unrestricted, and challenge grants, aimed at supporting specific programs or general operating funds and encouraging matching fund campaigns.


Organization's Location
cillum nulla
Program Location
laborum est ipsum dolore cillum qui aute ex cupidatat anim
Organization Type
  • esse deserunt occaecat laboris nisi quis consequat reprehenderit sunt ipsum est ut quis eiusmod officia excepteur est ad velit cupidatat sunt tempor aute reprehenderit commodo nostrud quis occaecat do occaecat laboris ex
  • officia occaecat laborum in minim esse enim irure aliqua nisi


Nisi laboris labore exercitation
Nisi officia sint id ad
Aute deserunt id deserunt
Deserunt excepteur ad
Adipisicing officia aute
not specified


Review Criteria

nulla adipisicing Lorem ipsum sunt et amet aute do mollit Lorem tempor magna reprehenderit sint officia sit nisi aute

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