Mapp Family Foundation Grant

The mission of The Mapp Family Foundation is to provide financial resources to qualifying 501(c)3 organizations, primarily in Baldwin County, Alabama, but also to areas of South Alabama and Mississippi. Its focus is on aiding people and animals at risk or in need due to unfortunate circumstances, neglect, or abuse, with a value on compassionate care to improve the quality of life of those supported.

Type of Support


The grant program from The Mapp Family Foundation is designed to support qualifying 501(c)3 organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives of people and animals who are at risk or in need. This program focuses primarily on entities within Baldwin County, Alabama, extending to broader areas in South Alabama and Mississippi. The program emphasizes compassionate care and aims to address issues stemming from unfortunate circumstances, neglect, or abuse, reflecting the foundation's commitment to making a substantive difference in the lives of the vulnerable.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Visit Apply for more information.