MDHCD: Operating Assistance Grant

From Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

​​The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is proud to be at the forefront in implementing housing policy that promotes and preserves homeownership and creating innovative community development initiatives to meet the challenges of a growing Maryland.

Type of Support


The Operating Assistance Grant integrates the Technical Assistance Grant and Main Street Improvement Program into a unified application process, offering funds to help cover operating and technical assistance expenses linked to local housing, community, and economic revitalization initiatives. This assistance is specifically targeted at projects within or serving designated Sustainable Community areas. Eligible activities for funding include costs related to consulting services, a portion of general operating expenses, and other expenses directly tied to community development projects. This encompasses consultant expertise, technical assistance, training for organizational development, community assessment, goal setting, expanding existing programs, or launching new initiatives such as revenue-generating social enterprises.


Organization's Location
do ipsum
Program Location
Organization Type
Sint occaecat
Id laborum
Voluptate ea velit
Consequat aute tempor
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up to 50k


Visit Apply for more information.