MD Forest Legacy Program

From Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources leads the state toward a resilient future by using data, partnerships, and an innovative spirit to improve ecological, social, and economic outcomes for all Marylanders.

Type of Support


The Forest Legacy Program aspires to safeguard environmentally significant forests at risk of conversion to non-forest uses by facilitating the purchase of perpetual conservation easements. These legal agreements, obtained through market-value transactions between willing buyers and sellers, limit future land use to preserve conservation values. The program finances up to 75% of project costs, requiring at least a 25% match from state, local, non-governmental funds, or landowner donations. Eligibility is restricted to private forests within designated Forest Legacy Areas in Maryland, characterized by their high economic and environmental value. The program aims to conserve land that supports wildlife, the wood products industry, water quality, and community well-being. Landowners wishing to sell development rights for conservation purposes are encouraged to apply, with applications assessed annually. Projects are chosen based on the forest's significance, the urgency of development threats, and their strategic conservation importance, with successful initiatives moving forward to the acquisition phase.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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