MSAC Creativity Grants for General Operating Support

From Maryland State Arts Council

The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) is dedicated to advancing the arts across the state. Its mission focuses on championing creative expression, diverse programming, equitable access, lifelong learning, and enhancing the quality of life through the arts for all Marylanders. MSAC aims to increase participation, provide intentional support, build capacity, leverage connections, and bolster the arts in Maryland, showcasing the work of artists and arts organizations to enrich community vitality.

Type of Support


The Creativity Grant Program by the Maryland State Arts Council is designed to boost the vitality and sustainability of artists and small organizations, ensuring a robust arts infrastructure within the State of Maryland. This grant supports relevant arts projects and fosters collaborations within Maryland communities. Specifically, General Operating Support Creativity Grants aim to back the overall operations of organizations, focusing on their arts activities or programming for a season or fiscal year. With rolling deadlines, the program reviews applications monthly and awards grants throughout the fiscal year until funding is exhausted, allowing applicants one funded opportunity per fiscal year.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and incorporated in Maryland
Organizations with a fiscal sponsor
  • Allowable income of $50,000 or less, or more than $50,000 but not a recipient of MSAC general operating funding through either the Grants for Organization, County Arts Development, or Arts & Entertainment District grant programs in the fiscal year of the Creativity Grant application
  • Must produce or present arts programs, services, or projects that are relevant to its community and available to the public
  • Only one application per project or program will be considered for funding
  • Must have operated as an arts organization or arts program for one full fiscal year and be able to submit a financial statement for their most recently completed fiscal year at the time of application
  • Not a Grants for Organizations (GFO), County Arts Development (CAD), or Arts & Entertainment District (A&E) recipient
  • Arts programs with a budget of $50,000 or less residing at Maryland colleges or universities qualify
  • Units of Maryland local government are eligible
  • Must have a significant physical presence in Maryland


Organizations in the GFO or CAD program, or an Arts & Entertainment District
Uses of funding for re-granting
Activities that are principally recreational, therapeutic, or rehabilitative
Travel outside Maryland for arts presentation or production
Projects chiefly for classroom use or school activities
Activities not open to the general public
Organizations awarding scholarships for their own activities
Expenses already awarded MSAC grant funds
Day-to-day running expenses of for-profit businesses (LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp, etc.)
Capital improvements or purchases of permanent equipment
Acquisition of capital assets
Activities for the exclusive benefit of an organization’s members
Contributions to candidates for, or holders of, elected office
Contributions to political parties, organizations, or action committees
Activities connected with any political campaign or referendum
Lobbying activities.
1k – 4k


Visit Apply for more information.