MSAC Teaching Artist Roster Grant

    From Maryland State Arts Council

    The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) is dedicated to advancing the arts across the state. Its mission focuses on championing creative expression, diverse programming, equitable access, lifelong learning, and enhancing the quality of life through the arts for all Marylanders. MSAC aims to increase participation, provide intentional support, build capacity, leverage connections, and bolster the arts in Maryland, showcasing the work of artists and arts organizations to enrich community vitality.

    Type of Support


    The MSAC’s grant program strives to support not-for-profit, tax-exempt organizations, individual artists, and provides technical and advisory assistance to groups and individuals. The goals of the grant include increasing participation in the arts, providing intentional support to constituents, building organizational and governance capacity, leveraging connections to enhance and involve additional collaborators, and bolstering the diverse and high-caliber arts in Maryland. Specifically, the Teaching Artist Roster within the Arts in Education program aims to support Teaching Artists in their careers, offering co-funded opportunities, connections to professional development networks, feedback and evaluation sessions, and increased visibility. This program also facilitates a streamlined payment process where MSAC acts as a financial intermediary between Teaching Artists and hiring organizations, ensuring Teaching Artists are the sole recipients of the grant funds. Grant funds may be utilized for various expenses related to eligible arts education engagements, including artist stipends, field trip costs, consultant fees, and more.


    Organization's Location
    adipisicing qui
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.