The McKesson Foundation Grant

From The McKesson Foundation

Founded in 1943, the McKesson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporate foundation dedicated to advancing health outcomes for all. The Foundation’s mission is to remove barriers to quality healthcare across North America, especially for vulnerable and underserved communities.

Type of Support


Founded in 1943, the McKesson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporate foundation dedicated to advancing health outcomes for all. The Foundation’s mission is to remove barriers to quality healthcare across North America, especially for vulnerable and underserved communities. We are expanding our portfolio of nonprofit partners to advance efforts aligned with our three strategic giving pillars and corresponding areas of focus:

  • Reducing the burden of cancer

    • provide education and services related to cancer prevention behaviors
    • increase awareness of the importance of screenings, early detection and timely treatment
    • provide free health screenings and connect patients to care care
    • connect uninsured and underinsured patients to programs providing low or no-cost co-pays and social determinants of health (SDOH) interventions
    • reduce the economic burden of low-income patients with emergency funds
  • Diversifying the healthcare talent pipeline

    • increase underrepresented in medicine (URiM) student recruitment and retention for oncology professionals, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians
    • increase all health professionals’ cultural competency
    • prepare students for broader pharmacist roles
    • serve vulnerable and rural patient populations
    • increase students’ awareness of STEM careers
    • support students’ financial literacy
    • help prepare middle and high school students for higher education.
  • Accelerating emergency preparedness and disaster relief

    • support relief agencies’ efforts
    • mobilize resources to provide acute services for people affected by natural disasters or crises
    • help families return to normalcy after a disaster.
    • assist vulnerable individuals and communities by supporting acute and chronic care services


Organization's Location
laborum commodo, eiusmod aliqua
Program Location
magna do
Organization Type
Do et sit Lorem


Cupidatat deserunt quis mollit veniam aute eiusmod
Aute nulla irure qui duis fugiat
Ipsum deserunt velit dolore reprehenderit
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up to 25k


Review Criteria

est eiusmod tempor tempor duis eiusmod sit sunt exercitation aute incididunt irure veniam commodo

  • aute deserunt sunt esse magna cillum ex esse proident
  • velit dolore cillum
  • dolor eiusmod et laborum magna