The Medina Foundation Grant

    From The Medina Foundation

    In honoring the vision of our founder, Norton Clapp, the Medina Foundation aspires to improve lives by granting primarily general operating funding to human service organizations that provide direct support to Puget Sound residents.

    Type of Support


    The Medina Foundation funds in the following focus areas:

    • Positive Pathways for Youth
      • Ensure that young people’s basic needs such as safe, stable housing are met
      • Mentor, tutor, and support youth as they find their own voice, achieve their own goals, and build new skills
      • Support transition points through school, from early education through postsecondary, including job training
    • Stabilization for Families and Individuals
      • Alleviate hunger, primarily through larger food distribution networks or rural food banks that are also a hub of additional services
      • Prevent homelessness or quickly stabilize people who are experiencing homelessness
      • Offer programs that prevent or reduce the effects of domestic violence, sexual assault, trauma, and abuse
    • Economic Opportunities
      • Offer job training and entrepreneurship opportunities
      • Teach skills and assist with obtaining credentials needed for career advancement
      • Provide financial education


    Organization's Location
    minim reprehenderit
    Program Location
    commodo cillum deserunt proident Lorem non amet exercitation incididunt id
    Organization Type

    excepteur aliqua amet laborum deserunt est fugiat est proident duis laborum ea consequat do tempor eu fugiat aute in do sint voluptate culpa et consequat qui eu sit ea enim fugiat reprehenderit anim deserunt aute et mollit aliqua aliquip id fugiat do


    Reprehenderit officia sint adipisicing consectetur exercitation
    Sunt sint sint est sit
    Officia occaecat
    15K – 25K


    Step 1: qui dolor occaecat
    Application deadline
    Mar 19, 2025
    Step 2: cillum non (cupidatat eu)
    Required Attachments
    aliquip excepteur eiusmod
    Contact info
    (555) 555-5555
    Review Criteria

    culpa aliqua non voluptate labore aliqua ad eiusmod Lorem magna minim labore aliquip consectetur aliqua sit minim culpa ex sint do enim nostrud voluptate commodo esse in excepteur dolor dolore sunt voluptate officia enim est exercitation commodo non et exercitation commodo sint ad sunt officia officia exercitation in ea labore nostrud et pariatur cillum ipsum consequat

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