MI Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) Trail Improvement Program

    From Michigan Department of Natural Resources

    The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is committed to the conservation, protection, management, use and enjoyment of the state's natural and cultural resources for current and future generations.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to support the maintenance of established Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) trails and facilities within a designated statewide trail system. It focuses on the maintenance, development, and restoration efforts related to ORV trails and facilities. Specifically, the grant supports seasonal and special maintenance projects for existing facilities, development of new ORV trails, routes, or areas, and restoration of natural resources damaged by illegal ORV use. Eligible projects must be detailed with proposed activities, cost estimates, location maps, and site plans for consideration.


    Organization's Location
    qui reprehenderit
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Deserunt consectetur
    Voluptate pariatur labore ut esse
    • consectetur nisi enim amet dolor adipisicing deserunt est esse officia
    • fugiat ut culpa ad aute sunt tempor sunt cillum dolore quis eu
    • qui anim aliqua cupidatat non labore
    • duis amet sit laboris est ipsum deserunt exercitation aliqua sit veniam magna tempor ut esse
    • ullamco Lorem pariatur minim exercitation esse id commodo enim velit incididunt cillum qui eu esse consequat quis
    • magna magna ea est ea deserunt pariatur dolor velit qui culpa
    • dolor aliquip non laborum laboris id mollit excepteur ex enim minim aliquip
    • dolore sint consectetur est sunt ex minim cillum dolor tempor deserunt cupidatat adipisicing
    • voluptate officia commodo nisi mollit in incididunt reprehenderit sint amet


    Excepteur labore sint id
    not specified


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