The mission of Mid Atlantic Arts is to promote and support multi-disciplinary arts in the Mid-Atlantic region. They aim to increase access to and appreciation for the arts through support of programs that nurture and affirm the cultural identity of the diverse people, places, and traditions of the region. While this is a generalized mission statement, Mid Atlantic Arts focuses on fostering the arts and culture ecosystem by enabling artists and organizations to explore new innovations, engage communities, and enhance their contributions to the regional and national cultural landscapes.
The Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grant by Mid Atlantic Arts aims to support the vitality of traditional arts and cultures in the mid-Atlantic region. The program offers grants ranging from $1,000 to $7,000 for non-profit organizations in DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, USVI, PR, or WV. Projects eligible for funding include performances, public art collaborations, workshops/trainings, exhibitions, fieldwork/documentation, and the creation of new traditional work. The program emphasizes cross-border projects and initiatives that support or engage underserved or underrepresented artists, traditions, or communities, requiring a 1:1 match for funding.
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