Minnesota Job Skills Partnership Pathways Program

    From Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)

    To empower the growth of the Minnesota economy, for everyone.

    Type of Support


    The Minnesota Job Skills Pathways Program aims to provide training, new job opportunities, and career paths for individuals with incomes at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines or those transitioning from public assistance to work. The program requires the involvement of at least one business and an accredited Minnesota educational institution or training provider. It supports projects through accredited educational institutions and workforce development intermediaries in collaboration with businesses. These projects focus on employment services for low-income individuals. The grant application process involves businesses initiating contact with potential training partners among educational institutions or workforce development intermediaries. The program has a rolling application process, with grants reviewed and approved periodically throughout the year, based on funding availability.


    Organization's Location
    ut aliqua
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Nisi officia occaecat deserunt fugiat quis
    Deserunt cillum ex
    • ut proident laboris nostrud occaecat nulla
    • sunt velit nisi aute incididunt exercitation non et pariatur mollit laboris laborum
    • cillum ipsum ex pariatur duis dolore dolore ex sint est ut commodo adipisicing commodo magna
    • enim cillum ea tempor incididunt magna nostrud officia aliquip ut ex
    • deserunt dolore pariatur sunt aliqua anim dolore do eiusmod cillum exercitation aliquip
    • fugiat commodo sint mollit exercitation magna voluptate anim aute duis deserunt eu tempor culpa minim voluptate


    Velit voluptate mollit ad
    Non eu do mollit
    up to 400K


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