MN Humanities: "Why Treaties Matter" Host Application

From Minnesota Humanities Center

The Minnesota Humanities Center connects our past, present, and future by bringing people together to increase understanding and spark change. Aiming for a just society that is connected, curious, and compassionate, it collaborates with individuals, organizations, and communities across Minnesota to make the humanities broadly relevant and accessible through educational opportunities, cultural experiences, and public engagement.

Type of Support


The “Why Treaties Matter” exhibit is a collaborative effort between the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, Minnesota Humanities Center, and initially the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, created through a community-based approach to tell the stories of sovereignty, adaptability, and sustainability from the perspectives of Dakota and Ojibwe individuals and communities in Minnesota. The program seeks to engage potential host communities through two types of host sites: community-engaged and general. Community-engaged host sites will develop complementary public programming or resources and may receive contracts to offset project costs, while general host sites share the exhibit without additional support. The grant emphasizes communication of the history and significance of treaties, improvement of teacher instruction on American Indian histories and cultures, centering of indigenous knowledge, and building enduring relationships.


Organization's Location
quis cupidatat
Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 2k


Review Criteria

dolor laboris proident eiusmod eu quis anim consequat deserunt magna consectetur incididunt amet