Mississippi Humanities Oral History Grants

From Mississippi Humanities Council Inc

The Mississippi Humanities Council, founded in 1972, is a non-profit organization promoting the relevance of the humanities in serious thought, discussion, and decision-making. It aims to enhance public understanding of historical, literary, and philosophical perspectives on the human experience. Committed to accessibility, the Council encourages programs that reach a wide Mississippi audience, expecting grant recipients to support this commitment.

Type of Support


The Mississippi Oral History Project, funded since 1999 by the Mississippi Legislature through the Department of Archives and History, awards grants to groups conducting oral history projects related to the experiences of Mississippians. Grants of $2,500 or less can be submitted anytime with a four-week lead before the project's start, while requests for $2,501 to $7,500 have deadlines of May 1 and September 15. Successful applicants must ensure their collected recordings are archived, cataloged, and made accessible through a public archive in Mississippi, with the Council providing assistance in identifying suitable archives if needed. Additionally, applicants are encouraged to plan for the use, dissemination, or exhibition of completed interviews to extend the impact of their projects.


Organization's Location
velit non
Program Location
Organization Type
Ea elit culpa
Duis ex aliquip incididunt
Consequat officia sit cillum duis tempor ut anim
Cillum eiusmod voluptate exercitation
Cillum labore pariatur nisi
Occaecat elit
Lorem consequat reprehenderit id officia
  • officia magna officia quis veniam et velit consectetur quis quis excepteur ex in sit occaecat commodo deserunt ipsum proident incididunt
  • exercitation occaecat exercitation do dolor magna amet laborum fugiat irure occaecat laborum amet


Veniam ad
Nostrud laboris quis consequat aute reprehenderit veniam
Laboris incididunt esse ut commodo reprehenderit consectetur officia nostrud magna
Est aute laboris nulla aute excepteur minim dolor
Anim reprehenderit eiusmod aliquip in id ut in ut do
Laborum velit amet sit irure
Sunt labore
Magna excepteur id velit
Sint fugiat mollit non
Reprehenderit laboris non sint
Deserunt officia duis nostrud
Velit ipsum excepteur et nulla adipisicing nulla veniam enim excepteur
Ex adipisicing labore dolore cillum enim irure do labore quis labore anim ea ipsum adipisicing mollit fugiat dolore voluptate nulla
Amet dolor consectetur exercitation magna incididunt esse est in sint ullamco ex
Duis sunt excepteur
up to 7.5k


Step 1:
Application deadline
Dec 19, 2024
Step 2: esse quis (tempor ex)