MJF Law-Related Education Grants

From Montana Justice Foundation

The mission of the Montana Justice Foundation (MJF) is to provide essential legal assistance to those who would otherwise have to navigate our civil justice system alone, helping Montanans secure housing, medical care, freedom from abuse, and pathways to health, safety, and self-sufficiency.

Type of Support


The MJF Law-Related Education (LRE) Grants Program aims to fund projects that enhance public understanding and awareness of the law, with a specific focus on law-related education. Small grant awards of up to $2,000 are available for qualifying organizations to support a variety of educational projects. These can include "We The People" programs, mock trials or courtroom events for high school students, Constitution In The Classroom events, Girls/Boys State projects, staff or community legal educational trainings, or any projects aimed at improving public knowledge of the law. Applications are accepted on a year-round basis.


Organization's Location
nulla nisi
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 2k


Visit Apply for more information.