Committee on Ministry Care Team Grants / Scholarships

From National Capital Presbytery

This fund is dedicated to tackling the root causes of poverty by empowering low-income communities. It emphasizes the importance of collective strength and active participation in the decision-making process, aiming to foster the development of human and financial resources for neighborhood revitalization.

Type of Support


The Committee on Ministry Care Team Grants/Scholarships aims to provide care, oversight, and accountability for pastors and educators, enabling them to lead their congregations effectively in transformative ways consistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Small scholarships of up to $500 are offered to clergy and Christian educators for self-care, spiritual care, and leadership development purposes. Priority for these funds is given based on personal need, the availability of other financial resources, and the potential impact on their ministry.


Organization's Location
exercitation ad
Program Location
Organization Type
Adipisicing reprehenderit

occaecat aute et minim laboris elit mollit labore eiusmod sint sint exercitation laborum proident ullamco pariatur laborum exercitation ea nostrud nulla consectetur ad do nostrud id labore incididunt non cupidatat officia amet sit aute dolore est deserunt nulla duis ad sunt id commodo exercitation ullamco anim quis elit cupidatat anim duis sunt proident aute incididunt elit nulla proident aliquip dolor ad do reprehenderit enim ea consectetur amet esse aliqua aute nulla reprehenderit sit do tempor nisi enim adipisicing esse occaecat non proident


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up to 500


Review Criteria

amet aute elit occaecat culpa commodo ea ea est incididunt commodo labore consectetur commodo fugiat duis