Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award

From National Council For The Social Studies

The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) seeks to integrate an understanding and appreciation for social studies into the fabric of education. By fostering an environment where knowledge and resources are shared freely among educators, NCSS aims to ensure that each student receives a high-quality social studies education, empowering them to become informed, active, and responsible citizens.

Type of Support


The Christa McAuliffe Reach for the Stars Award was created to honor the legacy of Christa McAuliffe, an innovative social studies teacher and the first classroom teacher to participate in space flight, who aimed to teach lessons from space. Established in 1986, this award supports social studies educators in bringing their innovative teaching dreams to life. It encourages the development and implementation of imaginative social studies teaching strategies, supports innovative student projects, field experiences, and community connections. The grant program highlights inquiry-based teaching and learning, integration of social science concepts through various formats, and the use of diverse resources to enhance student skills. Successful project proposals will demonstrate alignment with best pedagogical practices and the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework. Recipients are awarded up to $2500, a commemorative award, and the opportunity to present at the NCSS Annual Conference.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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up to 2.5k


Review Criteria

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