Julia E. Berry Research Award to Study Careers of English Majors

From National Council of Teachers of English

The Trustees of the NCTE Research Foundation support projects that enhance the teaching and learning of language, literacy, and culture. They aim to fund research reflecting the diverse interests of the NCTE membership, including efforts to understand and improve various pedagogical, policy, and community aspects of literacy education.

Type of Support


The Berry Research Award to Study Careers of English Majors supports National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) members engaged in research focused on the careers of English majors and the role of English in career development. This includes the impact of the English language broadly and related majors such as writing studies, linguistics, and English education. Recipients are expected to produce scholarly work for researchers and teachers as well as content for a broader audience, and to present their findings at an NCTE Convention. The award provides $1,500 for research, a certificate, and a travel voucher for convention presentation expenses.


Organization's Location
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Organization Type
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