Search Team Grant

    From National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

    The Search Dog Foundation (SDF) aims to support working dog teams across the United States by funding grants that alleviate the financial burden on handlers for training and equipment expenses not covered by their respective task forces or government agencies. Since its establishment, SDF has expanded the eligibility and benefits of its funding programs to assist a broader range of working dog teams, ensuring they remain deployment-ready to aid communities during disasters.

    Type of Support


    The Search Team Grant, established by the Search Dog Foundation, focuses on supporting active live-find and human remains detection handlers operating within the US urban search and rescue systems, as well as nonprofit-affiliated wilderness search, avalanche search, and odor detection canine handlers. The grant aims to help these handlers by covering out-of-pocket expenses for specialized training, equipment, travel expenses, and other costs not funded by their task forces, with the goal of keeping their canine teams deployment-ready. Handlers may request up to $1,000 per fiscal year for each canine.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
    Organization Type
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