ECosystem for Leading Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering

From National Science Foundation (NSF)

The U.S. National Science Foundation is an independent federal agency that supports science and engineering in all 50 states and U.S. territories. NSF was established in 1950 by Congress to promote the progress of science, advance the national health, prosperity and welfare, and secure the national defense.

Type of Support


The ECosystem forLeadingInnovation inPlasmaScience and Engineering (ECLIPSE) program aims to unite fundamental plasma science applications with societal and technological needs. Funded by the National Science Foundation, it supports interdisciplinary research to advance knowledge and innovation in plasma science and engineering. The program encourages proposals that articulate fundamental challenges in plasma science that have cross-disciplinary relevance and can address identified societal or technological priorities. ECLIPSE promotes diversity within its community and inclusion of under-represented groups in STEM, with a particular welcome to proposals from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and EPSCoR-eligible jurisdictions. It invites projects that can impact workforce development in plasma science and engineering. Proposals should align with the NSF's mission and not replicate existing programs, showcasing both Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts, including efforts toward increasing diversity in STEM fields.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


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